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2024: Fostering Connectedness and Belonging


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Our mission is to empower parents and caregivers through fostering ​hope and connectedness.

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The vision of PACES is to become a community where parents and ​caregivers can feel safe and gain valuable skills in caring for ​themselves while strengthening their relationship with their children ​and families.

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9:00AM - 9:15AM WELCOME

9:20AM - 10:05AM SESSION 1 (Pick one of the 3 sessions to attend!)

10:15AM - 11:00AM SESSION 2 (Pick one of the 3 sessions to attend!)

11:05AM - 12:00PM EMPOWER HOUR

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Workshop A: Auditorium

Parenting in the Digital World

Workshop B: Library

Supporting Families with PBIS at Home

Workshop C: C&C Conference Room

AAPI Mental Health & Self Care

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Saturday, May 4, 2024

8:30AM - 12:00PM

San Gabriel High School

This is a conference style event ​specifically for our parents and ​caregivers.

There will be giveaways for ​participation throughout the day ​and SWAG available!

Please note there is no childcare ​provided at this event.

Workshop D: Auditorium

Supporting Your Child’s Wellness

Workshop E: C&C Conference Room

SOGIE 101 Supporting your LGBTQ+ Loved Ones

Workshop F: Library

Career Pathways to Employment and "Paid" Internship ​Opportunities

Session 1 Workshops

Workshop A: Auditorium 9:20am -10:05am

Parenting in the Digital World

Carlos Sanchez - Cyber Safety Cop

Based on Clay Cranford’s acclaimed book, Parenting in the Digital World, this seminar will prepare ​parents to effectively supervise their child on social media sites, protect them from online threats, ​and bring technological balance back to their homes. The presentation is taught by law enforcement ​officers and educators who have extensive experience working with children and who are parents ​too. Our aim is to leave the audience feeling empowered to take control of their child’s technology, ​set rules and boundaries in their home and work hand in hand with teachers and educators. Every ​attendee, regardless of technological experience, will walk away with simple, powerful and effective ​messages.

Presenter Bio:

Meet Carlos Sanchez, a Lieutenant who works for a law enforcement agency in Southern California. With extensive experience as a School Resource Officer and a Special ​Victims Unit detective, Carlos has been delivering engaging presentations for over six years to law enforcement and community partners. His topics include drug ​awareness, school safety, bullying, gangs, and social media. As a native Spanish speaker born in Acapulco, Mexico, Carlos is proficient in presenting all the Cyber Safety ​Cop materials, including those delivered in Spanish.)

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Session 1 Workshops

Workshop b: Library 9:20am -10:05am

Supporting Families with PBIS at Home

Dr. Ed Resnick, PhD. Project Director & Mira Baskaron, Coordinator III - LACOE PBIS Unit

The LACOE PBIS Unit is excited to share with you how to successfully incorporate PBIS strategies ​into your home on a daily basis. We will share recommendations on how to support your child's ​social and emotional growth and minimize disruptions in the home. We will provide strategies to ​help you Set Expectations, Set Routines, Use Reminders and Reinforcers/Feedback Effectively, and ​Communicate with your school staff for guidance.

Presenter Bio:

Edward Resnick, Ph.D. is a Director III, for the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Unit, Division of Student Support Services, for the Los Angeles County Office ​of Education (LACOE). Dr. Resnick currently provides training, coaching, and technical assistance to schools and districts throughout the County. Prior to joining the LACOE ​team, Dr. Resnick served as a teacher and site administrator. He has extensive experience implementing PBIS and Restorative Practices in both Riverside and Orange Counties. He ​teaches leadership courses for Chapman’s Donna Ford Attallah College of Educational Studies.

Mira Baskaron, M.Ed. serves as a Coordinator II for the Los Angeles County Office of Education, Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Unit. Mira has been serving ​students for over 20 years in education in a variety of roles. She began her education journey in the classroom as an elementary and middle school teacher before becoming an ​instructional coach and eventually an administrator. As an administrative leader, Mira has served as an elementary school principal. Mira is passionate about her work in ​supporting students. Mira earned her Bachelor of Arts in Education from California State University, Long Beach; and her MA of Education with a focus on Educational ​Leadership, from Pepperdine University.

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Session 1 Workshops

Workshop C: C&C Conference room 9:20am -10:05am

AAPI Mental Health & Self Care

Monica Cua, Prevention Program Manager -Chinatown Service Center

This workshop will focus on learning more about AAPI mental health, the impact of ​mental health in our community, improving mental health literacy for parents and families ​and integrating self-care practices for overall well-being.

Presenter Bio:

Monica Cua is the Prevention Program Manager at Chinatown Service Center and oversees all of the educational programming and mental health related outreach ​initiatives. Monica has a background in public policy and is passionate about community mental health, increasing access to mental health resources, and improving ​mental health literacy.

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chinatownservicecenter, Chinatown Service Center 華埠服務中心

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Session 2 Workshops

Workshop D: Auditorium 10:15am -11:00am

Supporting Your Child’s Wellness

Anna Heinbuch, ADR, PPS & Dr. Edwin Yau, Coordinator II

Join the Mental Health and School Counseling Unit from Los Angeles County Office of Education ​(LACOE) for this interactive presentation as we explore the risk factors and your role as parent and ​caregivers in supporting your child mental health. Gain valuable tips, access resources, and learn ​the importance of warning signs for both you and your child.

Presenter Bio:

Anna is an accomplished educational leader with 28 years of experience providing comprehensive student support services in various school settings. Anna has ​acquired diverse knowledge as a School Counselor, Foster Youth/Homeless Liaison, and Assistant Principal of Student Support Services in the last ten years. Anna ​is a Coordinator II - School Counseling and provides technical assistance, consultation, and professional development for school counselors in the 80+ school ​districts within Los Angeles County. She is currently a Doctoral Student in Educational Leadership focusing on Educational Psychology and a Mental Health First Aid ​National Trainer.

Dr. Edwin Yau provides consultation and technical assistance for topics related to mental health to the 80+ school districts in Los Angeles County as an ​educational administrator in the Los Angeles County Office of Education. Additionally, Dr. Yau is an adjunct professor in USC’s School of Social Work, Executive ​Director of Nia Wellness Solutions, a national trainer, a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW), and serves on various regional leadership groups addressing ​suicide prevention and mental wellness.

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Session 2 Workshops

Workshop E: C&C Conference Room 10:15am -11:00am

SOGIE 101: Supporting your LGBTQ+ Loved Ones

Jo Cerda Program Manager

Discover the acronym SOGIE (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, Gender Expression). ​Individuals will have the language and information to support their LGBTQ+ loved ones.

Presenter Bio:

Jo Cerda has been serving youth and families for 12 years. Jo enjoys learning and working with youth and families from all backgrounds and best support with ​curiosity and understanding.

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Session 2 Workshops

Workshop F: Library 10:15am -11:00am

Career Pathways to Employment and "Paid" internship Opportunities.

George M. de la Loza, Career Pathways and Local Partnerships, ELARC

This workshop will provide participants with an overview of current employment services and ​"paid" internship opportunities currently offered at ELARC. Additionally, participants will learn ​about all regional employment programs and services offered by other partner agencies ​exclusively for individuals with disabilities, including those with intellectual & developmental ​disabilities (IDD). Finally, participants will learn about post-secondary education opportunities ​offered at local community colleges, adult schools, and regional consortiums.

Presenter Bio:

Mr. de la Loza is a former classroom teacher, community college counselor in the area of disabled Student Programs & Services, and he has held numerous ​administrative positions in the area of Workforce & Economic Development at various California Community Colleges.

Mr. de la Loza holds the position of Officer, Career Pathways and Local Partnerships, at the Eastern Los Angeles Regional Center (ELARC) where he oversees and ​coordinates all employment programs and services aligned with the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and additional state and federal ​employment services sponsored by the California Department of Developmental Services (DDS), the Department of Rehabilitation (DOR), and American Jobs Centers ​(AJC).

Currently, Mr. de la Loza oversees a DDS Employment grant designed to create career pathways and the development of Micro-enterprises exclusively for ​individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).

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Empower Hour

Following our workshops, join us during this time to practice techniques that will ​help you learn self-regulation and ways to continue to care for yourself. Each ​station you visit will give you a stamp so that you can be entered into a giveaway ​occurring at the close of our summit!

Affirmation Station

Discover the influence of words on emotions. Join us to select an affirmation canvas and use ​watercolors to bring it to life!

Mindfulness Breath Station

Join us to explore the importance of intentionality for self-awareness. Learn how to integrate ​mindful bubble breathing into your daily routine.

Grounding Station

This power station teaches grounding techniques to quiet a busy mind and bring your focus to the ​present moment.

Gratitude Station

Discover how integrating gratitude into daily life fosters a positive mindset. Join our station to ​learn consistent gratitude practices.

Self-Reflection Station hosted by Therapicasso!

Feel empowered as you engage in reflection of how you have overcome struggles and share advice ​that might help another through our “I wish you Knew” boards.

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Resource ​Information Fair

During our Empower Hour we will have ​a resource information fair where you ​can pick up materials and information ​from our various community partners.

Check out some of the partners joining ​us this Saturday!

SSG, Asian Pacific Counseling and Treatment Center

Catalyst San Gabriel Valley

LACOE- Homeless Education Program

Monterey Park Bruggemeyer Library

Educating Students Together

Institute for the Redesign of Learning

Foothill Family

Center for the Pacific Asian Family


Chinatown Service Center

LACOE- Foster Youth Services Coordinating Program

Eastern Los Angeles Regional Center (ELARC)

ScholarShare Investment Board/CalKIDS

Pacific Clinics - Asian Pacific Family Center

SBIT Pacific Clinics

Hazel Health

Pacific Clinics -Multi-Cultural Family Center

YMCA of West San Gabriel Valley


Tzu Chi Foundation




AUSD Health Services

AUSD Special Education

AUSD Food and Nutrition Services

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Guest Parking will be available in the ​South Parking Lot. You may enter ​through Grand Avenue off of Ramona ​Street.


Once parked follow the signs to the ​Check-In tables located between the ​Dream Center and Family Center.

Areas are boxed in Red on the map.

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here are some need to knows...


Great news! We will be providing a light breakfast, box lunch, and refreshments for each registered parent/ you don’t have ​to worry about bringing money to our event, everything will be free!


We do have prizes for attending our POWER Stations! You will receive a stamp card when you check-in. Make sure you clearly write ​your first and last name and get a stamp from each station after participating in the activity. You can head over to the PRIZE table to ​enter for a chance to win! Please note you must be present when names are announced at the end of the event.


It looks like we plan to have sunny weather the day of the event! Please feel free to wear comfy clothes and a light sweater as our ​rooms will be Air Conditioned. Our Empower Hour will be outdoors, so we encourage you to bring a hat or sun protection as needed.


Unfortunately, we will not have child care providers this year. However, if you need to bring your child, we have prepared some acti​vity packets that can help keep them busy while you engage in our Summit!



